Toy Story 4 Duke Caboom's Big Jump Toy Story 4 Duke Caboom's Big Jump

Final ‘Toy Story 4’ Trailer Released – Woody Will Save Me! (Join Us To Discuss Live Tonight)

The final full-length trailer for Toy Story 4 was released and you really get a sense for how different Woody’s life is now.

Bright and early this morning, the final trailer for Toy Story 4 dropped, and the 2:17 trailer showcases just how different Woody’s life is now. Watch the trailer below, chat about it with other Pixar fans in the Pixar Post Forum, and then let us know your thoughts tonight as we hold a YouTube Live discussion (details below).

Featuring the music of Electric Light Orchestra’s “Livin’ Thing” is mirrors the feeling of Woody’s journey as Jeff Lynne (ELO’s vocalist) says, “It’s a livin’ thing — It’s a terrible thing to lose.” It’s almost as if Woody is mirroring the lyric and is hanging on tight to what he felt living was, but it’s changing for him and he’s losing it.

Toy Story 4 pinball machine

That’s not to say that the trailer was completely heavy — there were also some great moments of humor as well. How hilarious was it when Forky says, “Woody will save me! I’ve known that guy my whole life — two days!” Or, when Ducky and Bunny perform their signature “plush rush” to get the key from the antique store owner.


As with every Pixar trailer which is released, we will be holding a YouTube Live session to dive into the full breakdown and look for hidden items or plot clues. Catch tour YouTube Live session tonight, May 21 at 10:00 PM ET / 7:00 PM PT, by watching the embedded video below, the trailer post which we’ll release tomorrow, or directly on our YouTube channel.

Additionally, feel free to discuss the full-trailer with other Pixar fans in the Pixar Post Forum.

Pixar Post — T.J.

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